The first Papal Visit by Pope Francis--2015
By Adetokunbo Oluwafemi Ige
One of the mysteries of the Papal visit is the persona himself. Such genuine appearance, such a genuine approach has been Pope Francis to the public view. Through a great and particular era of change, immitigable circumstance because we have zero choice but to face it--Pope Francis has shined through it all. Giving the public satisfaction of the papal duty being served as deeply as possible and in good faiths. That could be done by such that our eyes could receive in him. Gay acknowledgement (orthodox on sexual matters, but liberal on social justice); erasing the race lines and boundaries; the sick the poor the homeless. The list goes on and on and on.
All of this has been accepted as a leading figure whom caretakes his efforts, and speaks generously, crisply, through each attached controversy involved. "He has been doing the best that he can do, for the new public he serves, and public eye." and this is why I support the idea of a him, Pope Francis. The truth of what having lead-figures in our time, means--sincerity to this culture.
Since taking over for Pope Benedict XVI in 2013--Pope Francis has championed the leadway speak against economic-inequality (which is a very significant idealism, and not at all unimplementable, to the imaginative eye), should the whole of human eye realize it as need. It is a very difficult challenge to speak like this in what we face, and his ethical showforce has proven, humble, clear, and brave. Attached to stance. Methodically, intellectually stimulating overall.
His campaign is being socially distributed as this in Philadelphia as the preparations are being made for his arrival as we speak. It is not an expectancy-driven endeavor, as we do have a substancially modern figure in Pope Francis, here, by again--inescapable circumstance. It is fitting that when he speaks it is of ideals that are relevant to multi-stationed ideas. Such as cultural equality and individualistic equalities--which are two very touchy issues that have not been avoided. Pope Francis sees that a past doctrine can shape the future, now and in some day.
The city of Philadelphia has been preparing warmly and vigorously for the past week. I've been seeing it all. The Cathedral where he will give mass has taken on memberance with his favorite painting--Mother Mary: Loosener of Knots, a print of which is for all observers and a lesson is there. And it hangs outside, alongside with shreds of similar intention pray cloth, that has been attached to a wooded dome-like woven structure and surrounding area, where a great number have already placed their prayers (I'll be offering mine this week). The mass will also be broadcast outdoors for everyone to see via digital monitors of large size. The successor to St. Peter, the 266th Pope.
In another tone --The anticipation is sometimes harsh. There has even been wanton speculation that it will not really be the Pope that visits but a stand-in lookalike prepared to mimic his persona and speak (with adorning chubby cheeks, and reading glasses...). Or that from the staunchiest of critics, that it is all an elaborate plot to lure ISIL for capture while they had come to create havoc and chop the Shakespeare monument to pieces (only yards from where I, as also currently homeless, sleep at nights). Lol!!!
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