Hey everyone! It's been a little while! Well, for those of you who have been following me as a person, this blog, Facebook and social media; Here I am returned anew. I'm back in school, enrolled at the Community College of Philadelphia taking up for my degree in Communications and gaining the appliable knowledge for the lucrative fields that all has to offer, I'm an "A"-average student and I plan to advance my degree to eventually go into a privately-designed media business of my very own. One with some kind of incisional contribution that is not properly or currently being offered to and within our civil society. Just thought I'd check-in everyone, all of you are very much appreciated and I wish you all the best in personal endeavors! I released my social sci-fi 'An Era of Intrinsic Man' in August, here's the link, https://www.amazon.com/Era-Intrinsic-Man-Version-Platforms-ebook/dp/B01ITQ64JC/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1478026273&sr=1-1&keywords=An+Era+of+Intrinsic+Man you can get it at $2.99 for Kindle as well as any mobile device, it is a magnificent work and the first in an epic series.
Kindly, form the Nemesis Intellectual Communications outlet,
Mr. Adetokunbo Oluwafemi Ige,
Nemesis Intellectual Communications,
Author of 'An Era of Intrinsic Man'; a social sci-fi epic drama

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